Nicolas and Sébastien Reese founded the decoration and interior design entity, REESE STUDIO which specialises in the creation and restoration of classical decor, using skilled, traditional techniques. We also specialise in the conception and production of contemporary surroundings and the creation of original ambiance and mood.

In our studio, based in Montmartre, in Paris, we begin our projects from conception, working closely with the architects, proposing the research and study of form and colour, advising and giving perspectives foreshadowing and anticipating the future décor while providing creative and custom fine at solutions.

Our expertise, skill and experimental, innovative techniques are well recognised and appreciated by well-known international architects such as:
- in Paris: Jacques Garcia, Cs Decoration, P.H Walbaum, françois Champsaur, Jacques Grange
- in London: Mlinaric-Henry-Zervudachi
- in New York: Robert Couturier, Peter Marino
- in Brussels: François Marcq